
Fantasy football has arrived.

And the team to watch this year is...
The Infant Batmen.
And before anyone even asks, which came first - the picture or the team name - I'm afraid I cannot answer that. The chicken and the egg, people.

Yes, it's that time of year again. That time when grown men across the country gather together and play pretend. "Okay, Billy, you're a NFL coach and I am too, and we'll have all the best players from every team, and when they do something good, we'll get points. And the couch is safe, but if you touch the carpet you die, because it's lava!" Sounds about right.

It's also a time my wife hates, because it requires me to watch as many football games as I possibly can - not entirely necessary, but I enjoy it. Honey, you're not alone - there's even an organization you can join, Woman Against Fantasy Sports. Yikes.

I leave with our team motto - taken directly from a 1940 Batman comic.
You tell 'em, Bats.

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