
Toothbrushes, Cockroaches and Child Birth

These are three things on my mind today.

1. Toothbrushes - This past weekend we (Jason, my dad and I) were in College Station for work. Jason came down Friday afternoon and that night realized he forgot his toothbrush, so he used mine all weekend. At first I was kind of grossed out but got over it. I threw out the toothbrush when we got home because it was getting old but keep forgetting to buy a new one so I have been using Jason's toothbrush all week. I am wondering if this is really unsanitary or if it matters since we share germs anyway...thoughts????

2. Cockroaches - Since we have moved in our house we have found about 4 cockroaches. The old owners had put out traps so most of the ones we found were in the process of dying. Last week I decided to buy new traps and replace the old ones. Don't know if that was a great idea bc the traps seem to attract them. One of them ran by Jason while he was in the bathroom yesterday but he wasn't able to catch it and it disappeared.
This morning while he was getting ready for work, it appeared again....but this time it ran under our bed. J and I were on the floor on either side trying to catch it. Those suckers are fast and gross and literally make me scream. It took us about 5 minutes to catch it and flush it.

3. Child Birth - My sweet friend Merritt is having her first baby (it was due May4th but her blood pressure has been high so they are inducing). The thing is that she has been in the hospital, in labor for over 48 hours. I really didn't think that labors could last that long. She has been given the inducing medication twice so far and nothing! Poor thing has been in a lot of pain and fortunately has been given an epidural. I am waiting and praying that the baby comes soon and both of them are okay. The gender is a surprise so they have a lot to look forward to and Jim, her husband gets 2 weeks paternity leave...how cool is that!
UPDATE: Last night Merritt finally gave birth to a baby girl...Jane Stuart Holmberg, coming in at 7 pounds. Merritt is a rockstar, she pushed for 2 hours and 55 minutes, 5 minutes short of the Drs. making her have a c-section. I am so proud of her.


Anonymous said...

My, my how things have changed over the years. I remember one time how grossed out you got when you found out Daddy and I use the same bar of soap in the shower...and now you are sharing toothbrushes?? HA
Love, Mom

Micahl said...

it does not matter if you share, because you share germs anyway....at least i hope you do.

Lauren said...

In my opinion, it can only be good for you. We need some germs in order to build up our immune system. Michael and I had to share a toothbrush on a recent trip to SC and I was grossed out at first but quickly got over it. Go germs!

Christy said...

Sick me out. Gross blog! Pretty much hit on my three worst nightmares/phobias. I came on here looking for our Rangers post and this is what I get? :)

Jason said...

I don't have germs.

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