
Mavs Man.

Guess who got a job doing what he loves for his favorite NBA team!
No, guess again.
What? No - seriously? Don't you know whose blog this is?
That's right. I'm working as the Creative Editor & Producer for the Dallas Mavericks! That's my official title anyway, although I've heard it also referred to as a "Preditor," PRoducer/EDITOR. Sounds cool.

Basically, I'll be working to produce top-notch video productions for in-game entertainment, TV spots, promos, and online content for the Mavs. I started on Monday and the first game of the season was Tuesday so my head has been spinning. But I've had an all-access pass to see how the whole show is run, I've met some really awesome and nice people (including Mavs Man), and I'm excited about all that we're going to be doing - the All-Star Game is in Dallas this year, too.

It's just been such a blessing and so evident that God's hand was in this. Like I said, I'm a little overwhelmed - there's so much I could say, I just don't know where to start. Go Mavs!


Leeanne said...

Totally worth the wait-so proud of you!

The Patterson Family said...

So excited for your new job! Jack is SO jealous!

Kay and Rob Stahler said...

Yay! Were so excited for you guys!!!! That baby is going to be the biggest Mavs fan ever!

laura @ peacoat said...

congratulations! that sounds like an amazing gig. good luck!! (even though we are all-lakers-all-the-time people out here :) )

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