
Basketball and karate together at last.

Two great tastes that taste great together, and once it gets to your stomach, dragon-punches you.

This film, Fireball, is recommended to anyone that spent an afternoon in high school on my driveway playing a little game we lovingly referred to as "21 Kill." Basically, a friendly game of 21 with the little twist of full-body contact added to it for kicks (kicking was allowed, come to think of it).

My question is, who was the wizard that came up with the idea of adapting it to film and can we create a special category of Oscar for Radness?
(It was a two-part question.)

It's a good thing there are "No Rules" because I'm pretty sure I saw some flagrant traveling.


Kay and Rob Stahler said...

Hey Yall...were back! Lets get together soon! Leeanne, How was Vegas?

Lauren said...

Don't recall you boys playing with lead pipes...Mom is going to be so mad.

Steven said...

I totally remember playing 21 Kill in your driveway. BEST GAME EVER!

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